Privecy Policy
Our Commitment to Privacy. Torukongo
Foundation values your privacy. We are
providing this notice as an explanation of our
online information practices and the way your
information is collected and used. Torukongo
Foundation does not share any personal
information provided by donors, volunteers, or
clients who support our services. The use of
such information within the organization is
strictly limited to only those parties with
which sharing the information is necessary to
complete the specific transaction.
The Information We Collect. The privacy
policy described herein applies to all
information collected or submitted on
Torukongo Foundation’s website. The types
of personal information collected on our
website include your name, address, e-mail
address, and phone number information. After
this information is collected we contact the
clients or donors by phone or e-mail to follow
up. Torukongo Foundation is not set up to
use your credit or debit.
How We Use Information. Torukongo
Foundation does not share any private or
personal information provided by donors,
volunteers, and/or clients who support or
subscribe to our services. When Torukongo
Foundation receives mail-outs returned by the
postal service, the donor/contact is deleted
from the organization’s mailing list. Donors,
volunteers, and/or clients may also request
deletion from the organization’s mailing list by
phone or e-mail.