About Us

                                              Our Mission

a.  The mission of the TORUKONGO FOUNDATION for Peace is to provide skills acquisition especially among the youth and help in poverty alleviation through self employment.

b.  To promote educational development through scholarship, provision of educational facilities for the less privileged members of the society.

c.  To serve as care givers especially to the elderly people in the society.

d.  Our Trained Personnel are capable of providing undercover local surveillance man power suitable for the prevention of criminal activities including Crude oil theft, Oil & Gas facilities vandalisation, Crude Products & Pipeline vandalisation, Kidnappings, etc.

e.  As Political contractors, encourage good governance at all levels by mobilizing grassroot support for credible candidates.
f.  Organize conferences on PEACE & dialogue at Regional, National and International levels. Also effectively mediate between waring parties and resolve conflicts.

g.  To encourage the sustenance of democracy that must be anchored on tolerance, understanding, UNITY & PEACE.

h.  To partner with international organisations in bringing about policies that will help to enhance Economic, Social and Political developments aimed at building sound human societies.